i honestly dont think many people read my blog. i decided to try this and see if any of you guys have connects and shit...and to kinda see how well my connex work...
i was inspired buy this movie called "my date with drew" where this dude gets to go on a date with drew barrymore.
so in attempt to make my life a little more entertaining. ive decided to try...TRY i said...to pull lunch dates with any of the following ladies:
Justene Jaro
Misa Campo
Jessica Alba
i aint trying to date them or nething like that...just a lunch date. im a fun and interesting person i think. and if it happens, i'll video blog the date and also try to video blog my mission up to it. if anyone or any of you readers can make it happen! i'd gladly like to include you all ....
lets call this...LUNCH WITH CMC
im serious!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
2 for 1!!!
im rollin out with two topics yes too topics...and to borrow a small quote from my friend Abi's blog (girlsarethenewboys.blogspot.com)
im quite angry at the youth/young adults right now. although im not that old, but i believe ive entered the group of elder statemens after turning 26. there are all prolly reasonable explainations for their actions, but being an older, rational adult...i dont see what they see.
i have a few friends that are younger than me alot of them complain that their BF/GF has wronged them in some way. "he/she doesnt treat me right" "he/she is cheating on me" blah blah the list goes on!
i did however realize when i was in high school or early 20s why some of my female friends dated older guys...CUZ THEY WERENT AS IMMATURE AS THE DUDES THEIR OWN AGE! and i think i've reached that age of enlightenment. that doesnt mean imma start dating 18-19-20 year olds (although, if the looks work..lol) i still do prefer ladies my age or older, (side note: i realized that i dont just like married women or women with kids and for shits n giggles, i think its my longing for someone who has shown a great deal of maturity [having kids or a family, gives u a great deal of responsibility and the fact that u are pretty much forced out of your childhood/teens and into real life just shows a great deal of maturity...very sexy to me]in that sense i like my lady to be that "ms independent" payin for her own shit, not askin me LV/Juicy bags, workin me overtime for her. i want a woman with drive, knows what she wants...)
but back to my point, the reason why i brought this up, was because i was reading my friends away msg and she was complaining bout "why cant guys, just be real"
i laugh at this, while i am also frustrated. first off i am @ no way attracted to this girl, just a really good friend, like a sister to me. but i am disappointed that she feels that way. the guys i know, MY AGE! are the realest niggaz i kno. i know cuz i personally picked these peoples to hang out with. well not just my guy friends, ALL my friends. i dont surround myself with fakeness and immaturity. we may act immature but we arent immature. to my friend who wrote that, i think you need to look a little more beyond looks and first glance personalities. get to know these "guys" you know. i guaranteed they havent been thru trials and tribulations, more often than not, these guys havent seen or been thru the things mature people have. im no telling you who to hang around, but be more wise when picking your company. see then you wonder why they cheat on you...or treat you a certain way.
ahh enuff on that...part 2
i dont condone idiocracy. but one person i know, spews retardedness. im simply puttin this out there, YOU ARE AND IDIOT & NO MATTER WHAT PEOPLE SAY OR DEFEND YOU WITH, I'LL ALWAYS THINK YOU ARE ONE!! if you think im just being mean, its because you havent been thru the shit i have been thru with this person. have you ever woken up to a million meaningless questions, because they think they are conversing with you...then when u try to answer it, they dont even respond. have your found yourself having to re-repeat (you noticed i didnt just say repeat...but RE-REPEAT) certain directions or instructions...or possibly gettin responses from things like 5-a few weeks later (slow the definition of 'retard'). so i hope ive given enuff examples of this persons stoopidity! (i spelled it like that cuz they cant even spell slang correctly either) also what you dont see is that this person is highly vain and self-centered. there was a recent incident, where they were upset about something when they initially started the situation (cant get too in detail about it). i honestly dont feel sorry for this person, because, i did warn them of the reprocussions of their decsions, but still didnt heed my warnings.
ugh...to quote one of my favorite rappers "you wonder why they call you bitch" (which he said "dumb" bitch) whatever!
im quite angry at the youth/young adults right now. although im not that old, but i believe ive entered the group of elder statemens after turning 26. there are all prolly reasonable explainations for their actions, but being an older, rational adult...i dont see what they see.
i have a few friends that are younger than me alot of them complain that their BF/GF has wronged them in some way. "he/she doesnt treat me right" "he/she is cheating on me" blah blah the list goes on!
i did however realize when i was in high school or early 20s why some of my female friends dated older guys...CUZ THEY WERENT AS IMMATURE AS THE DUDES THEIR OWN AGE! and i think i've reached that age of enlightenment. that doesnt mean imma start dating 18-19-20 year olds (although, if the looks work..lol) i still do prefer ladies my age or older, (side note: i realized that i dont just like married women or women with kids and for shits n giggles, i think its my longing for someone who has shown a great deal of maturity [having kids or a family, gives u a great deal of responsibility and the fact that u are pretty much forced out of your childhood/teens and into real life just shows a great deal of maturity...very sexy to me]in that sense i like my lady to be that "ms independent" payin for her own shit, not askin me LV/Juicy bags, workin me overtime for her. i want a woman with drive, knows what she wants...)
but back to my point, the reason why i brought this up, was because i was reading my friends away msg and she was complaining bout "why cant guys, just be real"
i laugh at this, while i am also frustrated. first off i am @ no way attracted to this girl, just a really good friend, like a sister to me. but i am disappointed that she feels that way. the guys i know, MY AGE! are the realest niggaz i kno. i know cuz i personally picked these peoples to hang out with. well not just my guy friends, ALL my friends. i dont surround myself with fakeness and immaturity. we may act immature but we arent immature. to my friend who wrote that, i think you need to look a little more beyond looks and first glance personalities. get to know these "guys" you know. i guaranteed they havent been thru trials and tribulations, more often than not, these guys havent seen or been thru the things mature people have. im no telling you who to hang around, but be more wise when picking your company. see then you wonder why they cheat on you...or treat you a certain way.
ahh enuff on that...part 2
i dont condone idiocracy. but one person i know, spews retardedness. im simply puttin this out there, YOU ARE AND IDIOT & NO MATTER WHAT PEOPLE SAY OR DEFEND YOU WITH, I'LL ALWAYS THINK YOU ARE ONE!! if you think im just being mean, its because you havent been thru the shit i have been thru with this person. have you ever woken up to a million meaningless questions, because they think they are conversing with you...then when u try to answer it, they dont even respond. have your found yourself having to re-repeat (you noticed i didnt just say repeat...but RE-REPEAT) certain directions or instructions...or possibly gettin responses from things like 5-a few weeks later (slow the definition of 'retard'). so i hope ive given enuff examples of this persons stoopidity! (i spelled it like that cuz they cant even spell slang correctly either) also what you dont see is that this person is highly vain and self-centered. there was a recent incident, where they were upset about something when they initially started the situation (cant get too in detail about it). i honestly dont feel sorry for this person, because, i did warn them of the reprocussions of their decsions, but still didnt heed my warnings.
ugh...to quote one of my favorite rappers "you wonder why they call you bitch" (which he said "dumb" bitch) whatever!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
wtf....Really CMC...Really???
i have a confession, no i didnt get anyone pregnant, nor did i committ a crime, or have an alcohol/drug problem.
here it goes....
My Name is Christian Camarillo and i have an Adult Crush on MISA CAMPO!

there i said it. i know what you guys are thinking "yay, bro..who wouldnt shes hot!" ok at first glance yea, shes pretty. very pretty. but damn, i actually got to meet her this weekend and see her in the flesh. MY GOD! and she soo nice...although our conversation was short and retarded, i was starfucked...as abi eloquently put it. well our convo went something like this:
me: "Oh my God, youre Misa Campo, hi! my name is Christian"
Misa: (shakes my hand) "Hi im Misa"
me: "my God youre Pretty...uh bye nice meeting you, bye!"
Misa: (smiling) "bye"
my heart melted! figuring we are in the same industry...i will meet her again, im pretty good at meeting people i admire in this industry. i mean just this weekend along with meeting this angel, Misa, i did meet my IDOL...the GrandMaster himself...Qbert! i can officially die now...but our conversation was similar:
me: "yo QBERT, wassup man..."
Q: "yo wassup"
me: "hi my names is christian, pleasure to meet u" (soo gay i didnt even say i was a DJ)
Q: "yeah no doubt! peace"
i kno, i kno, i said i dont get starstruck...but geez...QBERT..!!! and MISA.
well back to Misa, dont kno much info on her, I know shes part of Babe Blvd. Shes from Canada, half something something....very beautiful. oh the sucky part of my weekend, i didnt drive...so i was rushed outta myhouse, forgot my camera!!!! no pics...soo if anyone knows the info on her...how i can meet her? hollar...if ya'll can Stalk a fake Vampire...just let me have this one ok?? deal!
here it goes....
My Name is Christian Camarillo and i have an Adult Crush on MISA CAMPO!

there i said it. i know what you guys are thinking "yay, bro..who wouldnt shes hot!" ok at first glance yea, shes pretty. very pretty. but damn, i actually got to meet her this weekend and see her in the flesh. MY GOD! and she soo nice...although our conversation was short and retarded, i was starfucked...as abi eloquently put it. well our convo went something like this:
me: "Oh my God, youre Misa Campo, hi! my name is Christian"
Misa: (shakes my hand) "Hi im Misa"
me: "my God youre Pretty...uh bye nice meeting you, bye!"
Misa: (smiling) "bye"
my heart melted! figuring we are in the same industry...i will meet her again, im pretty good at meeting people i admire in this industry. i mean just this weekend along with meeting this angel, Misa, i did meet my IDOL...the GrandMaster himself...Qbert! i can officially die now...but our conversation was similar:
me: "yo QBERT, wassup man..."
Q: "yo wassup"
me: "hi my names is christian, pleasure to meet u" (soo gay i didnt even say i was a DJ)
Q: "yeah no doubt! peace"
i kno, i kno, i said i dont get starstruck...but geez...QBERT..!!! and MISA.
well back to Misa, dont kno much info on her, I know shes part of Babe Blvd. Shes from Canada, half something something....very beautiful. oh the sucky part of my weekend, i didnt drive...so i was rushed outta myhouse, forgot my camera!!!! no pics...soo if anyone knows the info on her...how i can meet her? hollar...if ya'll can Stalk a fake Vampire...just let me have this one ok?? deal!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
-fresh baked/ing cookies
-womens shampoo
-pink (the perfume)
-cotton candy
-new car smell
-grilled onions
-new shoes
-Johnson and Johnson's baby lotion
-"meadows and rain"
-watermelon scents (or melon scents)
-cooking turkey
-fresh waffles
-new money
-burned/fresh lit matches
-black and milds
-fresh baked/ing cookies
-womens shampoo
-pink (the perfume)
-cotton candy
-new car smell
-grilled onions
-new shoes
-Johnson and Johnson's baby lotion
-"meadows and rain"
-watermelon scents (or melon scents)
-cooking turkey
-fresh waffles
-new money
-burned/fresh lit matches
-black and milds
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
as a dj, my storied past can be told thru the music i listened to or am listening too. here are some album that influenced me in life and my dj career. no particular order...
1. Zion I - "mind over matter"
this is prolly the first album from a local artist that i full enjoyed that wasnt about violence, drugs, or wild'n out. dont get me wrong, i listent to hiero, but this album was the 1st where i can just sit and listen to the whole thing, beats n all!this album opened me up to more than just commercial radio n beats!
2. Warren G - "regulators"
the first rap album i purchased with my own money. since it was my first i listened to every track, plus the skip button on my disc man didnt work. but i memorized every lyric and skit on this cd
3.Kanye West - "Graduation"
kanyes use of sampling always caught my ear, with this cd, he also brought style and fashion which he is now persuing, music and style go hand n hand like peas n carrots
4.R.Kelly - "12 play"
musical sex...need i say more?
5.Daft Punk - "Homework"
my first take on electronic/techno/dance...i loved it and still do, along with their follow ups. BEST SONG ON HERE..."dafunk"
6.Green Day "dookie"
outta left field, but its some local boys, who played good music...and look at them now!! good lyrics good music
the best collection of MCees squaring off. also another CD i can listen from end to end
8. Tablib Kweli "beautiful struggle"
one of my favorite artist, displaying mic control!!!
9. Krupt - "the streets is a mutha"
who knew krupt had flows...well he does shits hella catchy
10. New Found Glory - Covers
dunno if this was really a CD, but i downloaded all their covers of pop, rap, slow jam songs. all played with a punk like energy. something i enjoy...i like hearing songs in a different like...like remixes and mashups!
1. Zion I - "mind over matter"
this is prolly the first album from a local artist that i full enjoyed that wasnt about violence, drugs, or wild'n out. dont get me wrong, i listent to hiero, but this album was the 1st where i can just sit and listen to the whole thing, beats n all!this album opened me up to more than just commercial radio n beats!
2. Warren G - "regulators"
the first rap album i purchased with my own money. since it was my first i listened to every track, plus the skip button on my disc man didnt work. but i memorized every lyric and skit on this cd
3.Kanye West - "Graduation"
kanyes use of sampling always caught my ear, with this cd, he also brought style and fashion which he is now persuing, music and style go hand n hand like peas n carrots
4.R.Kelly - "12 play"
musical sex...need i say more?
5.Daft Punk - "Homework"
my first take on electronic/techno/dance...i loved it and still do, along with their follow ups. BEST SONG ON HERE..."dafunk"
6.Green Day "dookie"
outta left field, but its some local boys, who played good music...and look at them now!! good lyrics good music
the best collection of MCees squaring off. also another CD i can listen from end to end
8. Tablib Kweli "beautiful struggle"
one of my favorite artist, displaying mic control!!!
9. Krupt - "the streets is a mutha"
who knew krupt had flows...well he does shits hella catchy
10. New Found Glory - Covers
dunno if this was really a CD, but i downloaded all their covers of pop, rap, slow jam songs. all played with a punk like energy. something i enjoy...i like hearing songs in a different like...like remixes and mashups!
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