here it goes....
My Name is Christian Camarillo and i have an Adult Crush on MISA CAMPO!

there i said it. i know what you guys are thinking "yay, bro..who wouldnt shes hot!" ok at first glance yea, shes pretty. very pretty. but damn, i actually got to meet her this weekend and see her in the flesh. MY GOD! and she soo nice...although our conversation was short and retarded, i was abi eloquently put it. well our convo went something like this:
me: "Oh my God, youre Misa Campo, hi! my name is Christian"
Misa: (shakes my hand) "Hi im Misa"
me: "my God youre Pretty...uh bye nice meeting you, bye!"
Misa: (smiling) "bye"
my heart melted! figuring we are in the same industry...i will meet her again, im pretty good at meeting people i admire in this industry. i mean just this weekend along with meeting this angel, Misa, i did meet my IDOL...the GrandMaster himself...Qbert! i can officially die now...but our conversation was similar:
me: "yo QBERT, wassup man..."
Q: "yo wassup"
me: "hi my names is christian, pleasure to meet u" (soo gay i didnt even say i was a DJ)
Q: "yeah no doubt! peace"
i kno, i kno, i said i dont get starstruck...but geez...QBERT..!!! and MISA.
well back to Misa, dont kno much info on her, I know shes part of Babe Blvd. Shes from Canada, half something something....very beautiful. oh the sucky part of my weekend, i didnt i was rushed outta myhouse, forgot my camera!!!! no pics...soo if anyone knows the info on i can meet her? hollar...if ya'll can Stalk a fake Vampire...just let me have this one ok?? deal!
hire her to dance!... for my bday? hahaha
shet were not even throwin a party this month! hahaha maybe she'll be in vegas?
dude. the story u told me is better lmao.
"omg ur so pretty. i gotta go."
hahahahahhaha SHMOOOOVE.
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