Tuesday, October 7, 2008


my morning observations:
-the nation is severely overweight. i kno im not the picture perfect vision of health, but fuck...(haha) atleast im doing something about it. and i dont want to be fat..ne more. i kno ive told a bunch of you, one thing i hate the most besides Douche bags....fat people. its like they tried to turn it into something of a style, like its stylish to be fat. sorry i got picked on alot when i was younger and lets be honest, looks matter and being FAT really didnt help that either, ok it may sound like i didnt have a thick skin about it. but i did, but i also got into fights over it. i guess because i always knew that there was something i can do about it. all it really takes is decipline and some support.
you may be askin why, this sudden rip on fat people. its been building up, some of you kno that. but today...honestly...today on BART. speciffically, there were no people of regular weight on there..middle school kids to high school kids, young adults to old adults...ALL OVER WEIGHT! i seriously was prolly the skinniest person there....(really think about that)
but hey we live in a country of excess. right? these people cant help it. naw i dont believe that. props to the ones that try, eating at healthy choice and shit....but IT DOESNT HELP IF U SKIP THE SALADA BAR!!!! and head straight for the pizza and potatoes! then get a massive ice cream after. comeon!
-a lot of people i kno are keeping shit from each other. we are all friends...wtf....but i understand not everyone has to kno shit, but come on.....relationships are all built on trust. once that trust is gone, its takes a while to build it back up
-Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is actaully is a good show.

so, reading my blogs got me to thinking. am i bipolar? i really am not. just from studying it in college, i kno im not nore can i diagnose myself. but sometimes i feel like it. rapidly changing my attitude and mood. im not crazy or anything. ive seen real bipolar and i am FAR FAR FARRRRR from that.

thats it....

donate to the diabetes research fund!

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