Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wish the world would love me

here in this society, we all do care a little too much of what everyone thinks of us. everyones done it, compared ourselves to someone else to see how we measure up. i'd admit im super guilty as charged. for a long time, i wanted to run with the popular group, i wanted to fit in, i wanted to be invited to their functions. i'll admit i often ditched my real friends to try to fit in. big mistake (imma sound like an episode of Full House or Family Matters). but as life progressed, i learned who my real friends are and learned that the loved me for me. not for how i dressed, what i drove, what i did, what social groups i hung out with. i never had to go above and beyond for this friends, cuz even without action they would know...when the time comes, i would an will go the distance for them. i also learned that i cant be friends with everyone i meet...i cant just welcome everyone as "family" i have to have check myself a lil bit. you cant please everyone in this world. i'll also admitt, i did not grow up like everyone else, in all fairness, people were raised different. i battled alot of emotional battles in the past n its made me a wiser person. but like i said you can please everyone.
if u are always offering help, thats aweseome u are a great person, but in this world, before you help others, learn to help yourself! u cant take care of anyone if u cant take care of yourself. and if u want to be this generous person, give and give, but never ask for anything in return.
humility...the master does not seek out the student, the student seeks the master. dont brag about where, what you did in the past. thats why its the past.
in a sense, be mature about things. think things over, dont resort back to the past. stubborness is the ugly cousin of immaturity, the inability to let go of the past.
as my best friend always says, sometimes what may work for one person, may not work for another. its as simple as that. dont be angry that it didnt go your way. learn from it, n try to improve ur life...dont try n help everyone else. keep in mind the key to therapy is that the patient must want to seek help...for them to be help, dont just offer ur life away, and expect immediate return. life is salary-less job, we but we all gotta make it. so think...before you talk or act.

or just grow the fuck up!